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Research Projects Collection

STRAIN 2.0 - Work-related stress among health Professionals in Switzerland

Institution: BFH, Health

Project Leader: Maisa Gerlach (BFH)

Involved researchers (affiliation): Dr. Christoph Golz (BFH), Fabienne Josefine Renggli (BFH)
unding institutions: Organizations; Innosuisse
Summary of the project or link to webpage: 
Link webpage

Start and end date

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024



NLP - Measuring work-related stress with routine data


Institution: BFH, Health

Project Leader: Dr. Christoph Golz (BFH)

Involved researchers (affiliation): Dr. Christoph Golz (BFH)
Funding institutions: BFH
Summary of the project or link to webpage: 
Link webpage


Start and end date

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023



Evaluation Ausbildungsstation Pflege


Institution: BFH, Health

Project Leader: Dr. Christoph Golz (BFH)

Involved researchers (affiliation): Fabienne Josefine Renggli (BFH)
Funding institutions: Lindenhofgruppe

Summary of the project

Evaluation einer Ausbildungsstation in der Pflege


Start and end date

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024



Occupational Health Management and Presenteeism among employees


Institution: BFH, Health

Project Leader: Dr. Christoph Golz (BFH)

Involved researchers (affiliation): Maisa Gerlach (BFH)

Partners: SWICA
Funding institutions: SWICA
Summary of the project or link to webpage: 
Link webpage


Start and end date

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023



The Size and Structure of the Swiss Occupational Therapy Workforce.


Institution : Zurich University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Sciences

Project Leader: Prof. Dr, Brigitte Gantschnig (ZHAW)

Involved researchers (affiliation): Thomas Ballmer (ZHAW), Selina Egger (ZHAW),  Prof. Dr. Christina Schulze (ZHAW), Ines Wenger (ZHAW)
Funding institutions: Stiftung für Ergotherapie, Ettenberg Str. 58, 8907 Wettswil

Summary of the project

Background: The shortage of skilled workers in the health professions is also present in occupational therapy. In order to determine the need for occupational therapists in the various regions and fields of practice in Switzerland, to plan study places and to make political decisions, empirical data on the number and structure of current occupational therapy jobs are important. Such data can both identify gaps in care provision and support the planning of measures to ensure that institutions have the right number of workers with the right skills available at the right time. Aim: The aim of the study is to generate empirical data on the number and structure of occupational therapy workplaces in Switzerland, which have been lacking up to now. Method: As part of a consortium of the three universities ZHAW, HES-SO and SUPSI, the Swiss Occupational Therapists Association (EVS/ASE) and the Foundation for Occupational Therapy, the ZHAW Institute of Occupational Therapy Research Unit conducted an online survey in all language regions of Switzerland. The survey was aimed at: - Employers of occupational therapists, - heads of occupational therapy teams, - self-employed occupational therapists. The researchers collected data on the number and structure of occupational therapy workplaces in Switzerland - in terms of - socio-demographic characteristics, - their level of training, - the geographical and regional distribution of workplaces, - occupational therapy fields of practice, - as well as other topics. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. In addition, the researchers described qualitative data - from open questions - narratively. Results: In total, data were collected from 968 respondents, covering 3'022 Swiss occupational therapists. The response rate was 73.6% for medical institutions and 58.2% for outpatient practices. The results are currently being analysed. Their publication is planned for the course of 2023.


Link to project webpageLink webpage


Start and end date

01.11.2018 - 31.12.2023



Stärkung von Kompetenzen zur Förderung der Gesundheit und Personalentwicklung durch transdisziplinäre Kooperation an Schnittstellen von Hochschulen und ihren Praxisfeldern


Institution: Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Science; School of Health

Project Leader: Myrta Kohler (OST)

Involved researchers (affiliation): Angela Jochum (PHSG)

Partners: St.Gallen University of Teacher Education
Funding institutions: swissuniversities: Projektgebundene Beiträge 2021-2024 P-11: Pilotprogramme zur Stärkung des doppelten Kompetenzprofils beim FH- und PH-Nachwuchs


Summary of the project or link to webpage: Link to webpage


Start and end date

1/2022 - 12/2024


Link to project webpage: Link to webpage



Grademixkonfigurator in der Langzeitpflege / Grade Mix Configurator for Long Term Care


Institution: Bern University of Applied Sciences

Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Sabine Hahn (BFH)

Involved researchers (affiliation): Dr. Christoph Golz (BFH)

Partners: BESAqsys, Stefka Goldschmid,
Funding institutions: Innosuisse

Summary of the project

The Grademix Configurator processes routine data to assess the complexity of residents care situation, staffing ratio specifications, defined quality levels and specifications of a Grademix framework model. It will thus revolutionise the resource-oriented deployment of nurses in Switzerland. In long-term care, staffing needs are estimated on the basis of experience. In doing so, those responsible try to take into account relevant influencing factors, such as the grade mix or nursing needs. This subjective assessment can lead to sub-optimal team compositions, mistakes and over- or under-demanding of nursing staff. Therefore, there is a need for a standardised and objective planning basis that determines the staffing needs by taking relevant factors into account. The Grade Mix Configurator for long-term care, developed in this project, meets this need by combining three algorithms. These algorithms process routine data to assess complexity, national guidelines on staffing ratios, defined quality levels and guidelines from a grade-mix framework model. The result is visualised in an understandable way for the responsible persons in a dashboard and creates a comprehensible basis for evidence-based planning of effective staffing requirements. This innovation will revolutionise systematic quality improvement and the resource-oriented deployment of nurses in Switzerland. BESA QSys AG has 100% market access. In a preliminary study, one third of the participating nursing homes already showed interest in the planned product. The scientific challenges are the integration and processing of internal routine data, the processing of the various data sources in algorithms and the scientific assurance of the benefit by evaluating the expected added value. With their many years of expertise in the areas of grade mix, complexity of care situations, quality of care and development of algorithms and user-friendly data visualisation, the research partners at BFH have sound experience for the successful implementation of the project togehter with the experienced partner BESAqysis.      


Start and end date

01.12.2023 - 30.05.2025



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