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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Collaboration between Partners and CNHW Association



The Code of Conduct for Collaboration between Institutions and the CNHW Association is grounded in the vision and mission of the CNHW Association. This document outlines the principles, roles, responsibilities, and ethical standards that will govern the collaboration, ensuring a framework for clear and effective partnership between institutions and the CNHW Association.


Purpose and Scope

The primary purpose of this Code of Conduct is to reflect the CNHW Association's commitment to facilitating and nurturing partnerships while creating an optimal environment for institutions affiliated with CNHW to engage in collaborative efforts. Its mandate is to promote cooperation among its members, particularly in projects aimed at enhancing the wellbeing of healthcare professionals, informal caregivers, and the broader Swiss healthcare system.


It's important to note that this Code of Conduct applies to all institutions seeking support for any new project, whether they are members of the CNHW Association or not. However, CNHW Association’s members have a simpler procedure, while non-members follow a different one. It sets forth a consistent framework for collaboration that extends itsbenefits to a wide range of partners interested in contributing to the Association's mission.


Guiding Principles

Integrity serves as the cornerstone upon which trust is established among the CNHW Association, its affiliated institutions, and partners. It signifies an unwavering commitment to conducting all collaborative efforts with the highest ethical rigor, encompassing honesty, transparency, and ethical behaviour in every facet of our activities.


Transparency and Accountability

Transparency refers to the practice of openly sharing information, decisions, and processes related to collaborative activities. It involves providing clear and accessible information to all stakeholders, both internal and external, about the objectives, progress, and outcomes of collaborative projects.
Accountability entails the responsibility and answerability of all parties involved in collaboration for their actions, decisions, and outcomes. It means that each party is obligated to act in accordance with agreed-upon standards, fulfil their roles and responsibilities, and take ownership of the consequences of their actions.


Respect and Inclusion
Respect involves recognizing and valuing the diverse perspectives, expertise, and contributions of all individuals and institutions involved in collaboration. Respect fosters a positive and inclusive collaborative environment where each participant feels heard, acknowledged, and appreciated.
Inclusion refers to the deliberate effort to ensure that all stakeholders, regardless of their background or status, can participate and contribute to collaborative activities.


Roles and Responsibilities

a) Procedure for members of the CNHW

General secretary and Board of directors:

  • Receiving and processing information: CNHW members intending to apply for external funding while indicating their affiliation with CNHW are kindly requested to send an email to the General Secretary.

  • Conflict of Interest Check: The General Secretary will check for any potential conflicts of interest.

  • Board of Directors and Partners Notification: The General Secretary will notify the CNHW Association's Board of Directors about the funding application. This notification ensures that the Board is informed about the application. The General Secretary will also send a confirmation email to the requesting member. If any issues arise, it is the responsibility of the General Secretary to negotiate the support with the partners.

CNHW members

  • Initiating Communication: Project leaders should proactively initiate communication in the early stages. They should clearly express their intention to indicate their affiliation with CNHW and contact the General Secretary if they plan to do so, as well as if they require any support from the network.


b) Procedure for NOT member of the CNHW
General secretary and Board of directors:

  • Receiving and Processing Collaboration Requests: The General Secretary is responsible for receiving and processing requests for collaboration and/or support from partnering institutions. The General Secretary serve as the initial point of contact,ensuring that collaboration inquiries are properly documented and assessed.

  • Presenting Requests to the Board of Directors: The General Secretary plays a crucial role in presenting collaboration requests to the CNHW Association’s Board of Directors.This includes providing a comprehensive overview of the collaboration proposal and its potential impact.

  • Joint Deliberation: The General Secretary, in conjunction with the Board of Directors,participates in the deliberation process to assess the viability and alignment of collaboration requests with the CNHW Association’s mission and values. This joint evaluation ensures that decisions are made collectively and with due diligence.


Partners as requesting parties:

  • Initiating Support or Collaboration: Requesting parties should take the initiative to seek support, request collaboration, or express their needs at an early stage. They should clearly state whether they are seeking support, proposing collaboration, or both.

  • Contacting the General Secretary: To formalize their request, requesting parties should contact the General Secretary. Their request should be well-documented and provide detailed information regarding the nature of the support or collaboration sought, the specific objectives, and the potential benefits.

  • Providing Feedback: If their request for support or collaboration is satisfied, requesting parties are responsible for providing timely feedback to the General Secretary. The time frame for providing feedback will be jointly decided upon approval of the request.


Conflicts of Interest

In the spirit of transparency and honesty, all parties involved in collaboration, including the CNHW Association, the individual member institutions, and partnering institutions from outside of CNHW, have a duty to promptly communicate any potential conflicts of interest to the relevant parties. This proactive approach ensures that conflicts are identified and addressed in a timely manner.


Conflicts of interest should be openly and candidly discussed among collaborators to maintain the highest level of transparency and integrity. These discussions should be conducted in a manner that fosters trust and collaboration.

Ultimately, all parties are committed to promoting harmonious and productive joint collaborations. This commitment includes actively managing conflicts of interest to ensure that collaborative efforts remain ethical and accountable.



In crafting and embracing this Code of conduct for collaboration, the CNHW Association and its collaborating partners affirm their commitment to ethical, transparent, and harmonious collaborations. This Code serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards successful and purposeful joint endeavours.



Code of Conduct CNHW 2023


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