Plenary speakers 2018

Annamaria Müller has an academic degree in social economics from the University of Berne and is heading the Cantonal Office for Hospital Services since 2009. The Office is in charge of guaranteeing hospital services which are of good quality, affordable and accessible for all citizens of the Canton. This includes the surveillance and regulation of the acute care hospitals, clinics for rehabilitation and psychiatric care as well as the terrestrial rescue services on Bernese territory. The office furthermore regulates and funds health service providers who offer graduate or post graduate training for health professionals. Before that, Annamaria Müller was Secretary General of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH) for about six years. She also worked for the Department of Health of the Canton of Zurich and the Swiss Conference of the Cantonal Ministers of Public Health, starting each with an employment as a scientific collaborator and ending with a leading position.
Keynote: How the Department of Health and Welfare of the Canton of Berne applies the Health Labor framework for Universal Health Coverage

After completing her vocational training as a nurse and further training as a surgical-nurse, Birgit Vosseler studied Nursing Management at the University of Applied Sciences Münster and Nursing Science at San Jose State University in CA / USA. This was followed by five years as a Nursing Coordinator, Department of Health and Environment, Munich and a time as a research assistant at the Department of Sport and Health Promotion at the TU Munich. After completing her doctorate at the Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg on the topic of patient education, in 2005 she became a professor of Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences, Ravensburg-Weingarten. Until 2015, she was dean of Students for the bachelor program nursing education. Birgit Vosseler has been Head of Department for Health and Vice-Rector at the University of Applied Sciences St.Gallen since 2016. She is a member of the curriculum working group Joint Medical Master St. Gallen and responsible for the specialization Interprofessional cooperation and Interprofessional Health Education. The emphasis in teaching is qualitative nursing research, nursing concepts, Philosophy of Science, case management and project management. In her research she focuses on occupational health management, primary care and curriculum development, learning cooperation.
Keynote: New care models and the retention of second victims in health care organizations

Emanuel Feusi trained as a registered and anaesthesia nurse began his career working in various Swiss hospitals. He then went on to teach nurses who were taking their clinical practicum. After getting his degree in adult education, Emanuel continued his teaching career with adult learners working towards their Level II Diploma at the Nursing School of Zurich. Being part of the school’s management, he shaped and supported the process that was needed when the school was set to close. Moreover, during that process from 2004 to 2007, he was a member of a project group involved in setting up the Centre for Training in Health Care in the Canton of Zurich (ZAG). While he continued to teach future health professionals, Emanuel, in addition to his nursing and teaching educational background, has also completed postgraduate studies in Web Project Management that focused on eLearning as well as in Managed Health Care. Since 2007 until present day he has been working as Head of the Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Unit at the School of Health Professions at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland (ZHAW). In this role, he and his team are responsible for interprofessional education in the Bachelor programs of various health professions. His main areas of expertise include communication and collaboration between health professionals and adult education. Emanuel is a member of the Society for Medical Education and the Swiss Forum for Integrated Care.
Keynote: Occupational careers and retention in health professions – Is interprofessional collaboration a key factor?
The site project of the ZHAW in the CNHW aims to improve data on health professionals and develops different measures to increase retention. Interprofessional collaboration is not only the main question of one of these measurement projects but also a transversal topic that comes up in the other projects with focus on retention and satisfaction. Is this a sign for the strong relevance of interprofessional collaboration?

Prof. Dr. Herbert Binggeli is Rector of Bern University of Applied Sciences and Delegate for International Relations and of Health and Medicine of the swissuniversites’ Chamber of Universities of Applied Sciences.
Having studied German and English Language and Literature in Bern and Vienna, he obtained his PhD with a thesis on the Swiss playwright and novelist Max Frisch. He spent several years abroad in Austria, Northern Ireland and in Brazil, where he taught English and German at the Swiss School in São Paulo before leading the school as its director. Back in Switzerland, he participated in setting up the then new Professional Baccalaureate. Before becoming rector of Bern UAS, he was the director of Bern School of Vocational Education.
Herbert Binggeli also holds the title of Master of General Administration.

Dr Luciana Vaccaro began her university studies in her hometown of Naples, Italy. She started her career at CERN, in Switzerland, before receiving her Ph.D. at EPFL, and being appointed senior lecturer at the Institute of Microengineering, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. In 2006, she became director of postgraduate programmes in Health Economics and Management at University of Lausanne, Switzerland. In 2009, she went back to EPFL in order to set up and manage the Grants office whose mission focused mainly on Swiss and European research funding. Appointed Rector of HES-SO on October 1st, 2013, she leads the largest university of applied sciences and arts in Switzerland with more than 21’000 students and 28 schools active in six academic fields. Since 2015, she has been a member of the Foundation Council and Executive Committee of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Luciana Vaccaro is married and a mother of two children.
Keynote: Supporting informal caregivers & the importance of networking in times of workforce shortage

Sabin Zürcher-Florin is a registered nurse and holds a Master of Science degree in Nursing from the University of Basel. In the Lindenhofgruppe, she has established the Department of Development in Nursing, which she still heads today. Her work focuses on practice development, evidence-based care and the implementation of APN roles. She is responsible for research projects in nursing within the Lindenhofgruppe, which often focus on patient information.

Prof. Sabine Hahn (PhD, CNS, RN) holds a doctorate in nursing science, is a certified clinical nurse specialist and a nursing expert. She heads the division of nursing and the unit of Applied Research and Development in Nursing, in the Department of Health Professionals at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (CH). Sabine Hahn conducts research in the areas of health care staff shortages, and competence and quality development in nursing and health professions. Aggression and work strain, psychosocial health as well as service-user involvement, represent her other fields of research. In the area of service-user involvement, she promotes collaboration and involvement with people experienced in having illness, thereby gaining their expertise in teaching, research and practice. Additionally, Sabine Hahn is visiting professor at the University of Bournemouth (UK). She is the author of numerous publications and co-organizer of conferences. In the European Doctoral Program at the University of Maastricht, the Medical University of Graz and the Bern University of Applied Sciences, she supervises doctoral students in the fields of nursing and health sciences. As co-president of the Swiss Academic Society of Psychiatric Nursing, she is committed to academic psychiatric care. She is a board member of the European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group. She is also co-editor of the journal Psychiatrische Pflege and the scientific journal of Qualitative Research in Nursing and Health Sciences.

Ursina Baumgartner is Dean of the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Department of Health Sciences since 2010. Her topics are critical thinking, Swiss educational system and introduction to the research process. Through her co-chairmanship of the expert conference of health, union of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences with Health Departments and her seat in the steering group of the project for higher professional exams in Nursing as well as her proximity to the Careum Learning Center, she has a broad network in the field of training and university education of health professionals. From 2002 to 2009, she was co-director of the Clara Nursingschool in Basel. In addition to her work as a vocational school teacher, she also worked as a developer of training programmes for nursing staff at a higher technical college and at diploma level II. After training as a nurse and vocational school teacher in health care, she studied nursing sciences at the University of Maastricht. On a part-time basis, she managed a residential cooperative for several years and was a member of the administrative commission of the community hospital in Basel.
Keynote: Why it is important to enhance professionalisation among health professions – A Swiss perspective